Everyday, human brain has been bombarded with advertisement. These advertisement has only one objective - which is they want you to purchase their product. In the photography world is not an exception too. They will tell you that you "need" to use their gear & gizmos to create a "great" pictures - and most of us fall for that. But one should ask themselves before making any purchases.. "What really makes a good picture?"
If you'd ask me, the best camera is the one that you know how to use it to the max and still have extra cash for you to buy photography books, or attended photography classes or even travel the world and gain experience first hand with your available gear. If you have already own a DSLR - learn how to use it and practice on how to overcome it weaknesses. Takes pictures everyday, practice your knowledge that you have gained from the photography books or even photography classes you've attended before. Use it to the max.
If you just have your mobile phone - the heck! Its more than enough. Go out and shoot with it! If you know what makes a good picture - regardless what gear you use, you'll be able to create a beautiful images.
So whats make a good picture? The answer is COMPOSITION. Good images created from a good and well planned COMPOSITION. If you love street photography, the best website for you to learn about street photography composition is Eric Kim website. This guy is so genuine and honest and he's even giving away his ebook for free! Just click on the download link and you're just minutes away to gain precious knowledge from him.
If you like other types of photography, just Google for it and you'll surely got what you are looking for. There is plenty of websites out there sharing the composition technique for free. Learn from it and put it to practice.
If you just have your mobile phone - the heck! Its more than enough. Go out and shoot with it! If you know what makes a good picture - regardless what gear you use, you'll be able to create a beautiful images.
So whats make a good picture? The answer is COMPOSITION. Good images created from a good and well planned COMPOSITION. If you love street photography, the best website for you to learn about street photography composition is Eric Kim website. This guy is so genuine and honest and he's even giving away his ebook for free! Just click on the download link and you're just minutes away to gain precious knowledge from him.
If you like other types of photography, just Google for it and you'll surely got what you are looking for. There is plenty of websites out there sharing the composition technique for free. Learn from it and put it to practice.
There are some people who are proud of their camera. They would say "Hey look, I'm using this "brand" - its so awesome you know. It takes great picture! Go buy one!". These type of people doesn't even aware that they have been used by the "brand" manufacturer as a tool for free advertisement.
Just imagine if you have printed your artwork and now being displayed at the gallery for sale. Then come one customer asking you "What camera you use to take that beautiful picture?". And then you honestly share to him that "Oh, I'm using this "brand" you know, it takes good picture". Suddenly, this potential customer saying "Great! I'm getting those gears now and I'm going to make one beautiful pictures like yours, print it out and hang it on my wall!". And that customer walk away from you leaving you alone expecting for another customer to buy your artwork. That camera manufacturer just got one sales (thanks to your free advertisement) and you gain nothing from it.
If you are new to photography, buying an expensive DSLR or even a fancy mirrorless camera will not help you to create beautiful images. It takes years of experience and knowledge to be able to create one. If you've already got one camera, than spend the rest of you money on knowledge and gaining some experience. Because knowledge and experience is future proof whereby your gears will be obsolete within one or two years or maybe even less than that.
Just imagine if you have printed your artwork and now being displayed at the gallery for sale. Then come one customer asking you "What camera you use to take that beautiful picture?". And then you honestly share to him that "Oh, I'm using this "brand" you know, it takes good picture". Suddenly, this potential customer saying "Great! I'm getting those gears now and I'm going to make one beautiful pictures like yours, print it out and hang it on my wall!". And that customer walk away from you leaving you alone expecting for another customer to buy your artwork. That camera manufacturer just got one sales (thanks to your free advertisement) and you gain nothing from it.
If you are new to photography, buying an expensive DSLR or even a fancy mirrorless camera will not help you to create beautiful images. It takes years of experience and knowledge to be able to create one. If you've already got one camera, than spend the rest of you money on knowledge and gaining some experience. Because knowledge and experience is future proof whereby your gears will be obsolete within one or two years or maybe even less than that.
Camera is just one stupid hardware. Once you've pressed the shutter, it just takes what ever input you're giving to it. So why one must proud of his own gear? Why are you giving free advertisement to others? That camera manufacturer gain more customer and more money, whereby you just stuck there doing free advertisement which you have to work your ass out to earn more money to fund your gear (I'm so pity with these people). No pun intended - I'm just expressing my feelings.
Just to let you know that I've sold all my camera gear and lenses and I'm currently using one camera only - and its a point and shoot camera. The money I've got from selling those gear is going to be reserved to fund my next photography trip. I'm not telling you to do the same but this is my way to practice and to push my creativity to the max by not relying on the gear, but on my own experience and ideas.
Just to let you know that I've sold all my camera gear and lenses and I'm currently using one camera only - and its a point and shoot camera. The money I've got from selling those gear is going to be reserved to fund my next photography trip. I'm not telling you to do the same but this is my way to practice and to push my creativity to the max by not relying on the gear, but on my own experience and ideas.
Photographers express their feelings with photography - just like an artist who like to draw on a blank canvas. Camera is just a medium, and every picture you make is actually a reflection of your ideas and your skill in photographic execution. Whether it is a point and shoot camera, a smartphone, DSLR, or even a fancy mirrorless camera - at the end of the day if you've already learn the elements on how improve a shot, you'll realize that gear is just a tools only.
YOU ARE the creator - YOU ARE the art director - YOU ARE the artist - go out there and create your masterpeace regardless of what gear you have in hand.